It's co-op recruitment season. Lots of co-ops are opening up for the fall now.
With that in mind I wanted to give a rough rundown of what that means!
A homeschool co-op is traditionally a group that provides experiences or classes and is a cooperative or joint effort of the parents who come together. There are no regulations for a homeschool co-op in the state of Alabama. Anyone can form one at any time for any reason with any amount of people.
As a person who was homeschooled and now homeschools my own children I'm going to offer a few pieces of advice when searching out a group such as a co-op:
1. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you see something that makes you wonder, ask the leadership. It's better to know on the front end. If they are offended by questions then that might not be the space for you. And that is ok!
2. If you get a bad vibe, don't feel obligated to join anything just to socialize your kids. Chances are if you don't get a good feeling there is a reason. There are a lot of other options for that making sure our kids have a full social life, especially in areas like mine.
3. You don't need a co-op. Yes, I enjoyed one of the ones we were a part of as a homeschooled kid, but I enjoyed playing at a friend's house while my mom tutored math just as much. I have also had a pretty terrible experience with a co-op as a kid and then an arguably worse experience as a parent many years later.
4. Ask about the safety precautions. That's actually a bigger concern to me now than anything else. I've witnessed a lot of unsavory things as a child and as an adult in co-ops that make me cautious. Bad stuff can happen anywhere and being a homeschooler does not protect us from that. Its not all bad, of course, but it is never a bad idea to be cautious until you are sure!
5. Find something that fits your values as a homeschooler, don't try to squeeze yourself into a box you don't fit in just for the sake of 'community' or 'socialization'. If the other parents don't share the same educational values that you do then it might not be the group for you. You won't know until you ask!
6. If you can't find what you want, don't be afraid to ban together with other homeschoolers and create your own group or co-op. Where two or three are gathered together, children can have friendships, moms can have a core support group and everyone can get what they need.
A co-op can be another great and useful tool in your homeschool toolbox but don't let it run your life or become the thing that weighs you down. Check out all you options, weigh where it might fit into you life and keep homeschooling!