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Ten books to read for the Homeschool Parent!


My top 10 picks to read if you are thinking about Homeschooling!

You will find an endless supply of books about homeschooling these days. Everyone has a perspective, opinion and thought to share as this community grows and that is amazing but it can also be overwhelming. I've selected my 10 favorites. This list is guaranteed not to overwhelm you, but to provide a fresh perspective on home education and the kind of life that you might want to live!

  1. You, Your Child and School by Ken Robinson

Probably my all time favorite book that isn’t explicitly about homeschooling but it always puts me in the right mindset to think about why I want to educate my children at home and keep educating myself about best practices and how best to help them reach their goals and full potential. Ken Robinson has a fabulous TED Talk that you can find on Youtube. It’s worth a quick listen!

  1. Call of the Wild + Free by Ainsley Arment

This is a must have for many homeschooled households. This book gives a gentle dive into what an ideal homeschool life can look like. My homeschool seldom looks exactly as it is described in Wild + Free but I always recommend it for anyone on the fence. This book really lives into the idea of homeschooling, and how it can open a door to a different sort of life. There are two Wild + Free conferences each year and a whole community of women willing to welcome you if this is your jam. 

  1. Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

Dumbing Us Down has a very clear message and I think it is a great read if you feel like you aren’t smart enough or educated enough to homeschool your own kids. It lifts the curtain on what brick and mortar schools are actually designed for and it can give you the confidence to choose something different. 

  1. The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart

The Brave Learner is really the great Julie Bogarts love letter to a life of joy and a childhood well lived. Julie is a homeschool staple. She started a writing program and a whole Brave Learner movement. She shares the highs and lows and the nitty gritty of everyday homeschooling while trying to find community and saving your sanity. It is such an encouraging book and Julie has gone on to write some other incredible works.

  1. Real Learning Revisited by Elizabeth Ann Foss

Real Learning Revisited is an insight into a homeschool family from two perspectives. When Elizabeth originally wrote this book she was still in the middle of her homeschool journey, but throughout the newest edition she reflects on how well the advice she gave held up and she adds tid bits here and there that are like pearls of hard earned wisdom. It’s a really great read and it fills your cup!

This was one of the first books I read when I was starting to think about homeschooling my own children. Reading aloud to your kids is the number one game changing, culture making, best decision you can make whether you homeschool or not. If you aren’t reading aloud to your kids, if you don’t have a family time for reading, you can start at any time! There is nothing better for creating a family culture and a life long love of books than reading at home. 

  1. Home Learning Year by Year by Rebecca Rupp

This is a really useful and practical way to get started with homeschooling if you aren’t sure what they should be learning or when they should be learning it. It’s not a ‘must do’ list by any means but it does lay out a plan which is especially helpful if you don’t have one yet!

  1. The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer

The Well Trained Mind is another class, much like Home Learning Year by Year, except that it is all based on the classical model. It can be an intense book, but if you stick with it, it lays out a beautiful road map for giving your child a full and rigorous education. 

  1. Plan Your Year by Pam Barnhill

This one is a book that I revisit each year when it is time to plan out our homeschool and pick our learning goals. It is the definitive, how to plan guide with easy to understand steps and a roadmap for creating reachable goals within your homeschool. Pam gives very sage advice and the book comes with everything you need to get started with planning and evaluating what your child needs to learn in a year which helps you pick a curriculum and in turn plan a schedule that helps your child achieve their full potential. 

  1. A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

This is a beloved book in my household and one that I seldom see recommended these days but it is a beautiful introduction to the wise and wonderful Charlotte Mason and a literature based homeschool life. It’s a really beautiful, but somehow still practical and approachable look at how the Charlotte Mason method is able to be applied in today’s fast paced, digitally minded world. This book guides you through a lot of Charlotte’s philosophies while adding gentle commentary and helpful notes.

That's it! That is my top ten list. What books do you recommend to new homeschoolers or anyone needing encouragement on their journey?

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